Have you ever struggled with finding the right frame of mind to study? Getting the right environment in order to focus on your work can be extremely difficult to accomplish. If you need to library to study because being in that working environment motivates you then that’s great. Until you see friends you know or someone starts eating right next to you. On the other hand you might be someone who needs to be alone in their room and finds it really difficult to ignore the sound of next door’s TV or someone banging around in the kitchen. The answer could be one of these apps. Plug in your headphones, choose what environment you prefer and off you go. By using these apps you are immersing yourself in the particular environment without any unpredictable distractions. These apps are definitely worth a try.
https://www.noisli.com/ (Apple)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Lutalica.StudyAmbience (Android)