Are you struggling with your apprenticeship training or the qualification you're working towards?
Feel like you could do with a helping hand?
We do this by delivering learning needs assessments, learning and wellbeing support, assistive technology and equipment to ensure you get the best out of your learning and/or apprenticeship.
The first step in supporting you is to discuss the barriers you may be facing in progressing on your course or apprenticeship and to identify the causes of these. We have years of experience in assessing needs and recommending appropriate support for learners with additional support needs, including those with disabilities and long term medical conditions.
We ensure that you are at the centre of this process throughout. Our Case Managers use assessment tools, such as the Do-It profiler*, along with any additional evidence you may have, to draw up a plan of recommended support. This is then discussed and fine-tuned with you and the support of your training provider.
Who are you?
You may be a learner who has previously had support at school or college and feels some additional support during your apprenticeship/course would help you to succeed and progress.
You may have a diagnosed additional learning need, disability or long term medical condition that impacts on your progress on your apprenticeship and need some support and advice to address this...
Who are you?
You may be a learner who has previously had support at school or college and feels some additional support during your apprenticeship/course would help you to succeed and progress.
You may have a diagnosed additional learning need, disability or long term medical condition that impacts on your progress on your apprenticeship and need some support and advice to address this.
You may be struggling with aspects of your learning and need help in understanding why? Whether you already know you have a disability or an additional learning need, or you simply feel that you are struggling to keep up and don’t understand why, you can approach your course instructor or complete a short form and we will contact you to identify what support might be available.
Who can access the support?
Support is available for all learners with SEND – this means anyone with an additional learning need, disability, mental health difficulty or long term medical condition.
This might include: Specific Learning Differences (SpLD):
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Mobility and Sensory Impairments Mental
Health difficulties Chronic Fatigue,
fibromyalgia etc.
If in doubt, just ask and we will do the rest.
How does it work?
Once you or your training/education provider contact us you will be asked for any existing evidence or diagnostic assessments that you may have. If you have none, you may be given access to an assessment software called the ‘DoIT Profiler’.
This is a software-based assessment-tool which uses an in-depth questionnaire to give an indication of your learning style and support needs.
It only takes around 30 minutes to complete and it helps us to direct the right support to you that meets your needs. Once complete, a support plan will be drafted and this will be followed by a meeting held between you, your course tutor, your workplace supervisor and one of our Case Managers.
Together you will go through all aspects of your training and work to identify where you could best use help or support and of what kind. The support plan will then be finalised and you and your training provider will agree to those recommendations that you want put in place.
That support will then be put into place and this will be reviewed once a month to ensure it is helping you to progress and decide with you if any adjustments to the support are needed.
Please note: For apprentices, support can only be provided for help directly related to the learning on the apprenticeship.
Worried about disclosure?
It is understandable to be a little uncertain about whether to disclose a difficulty or a disability to your training/education provider.
However, there are lots of advantages too. Click here for some tips and advice.
If you do wish to disclose an additional learning need, either speak to your training provider directly or complete the attached referral form.

You may have a diagnosed additional learning need, disability or long term medical condition that impacts on your progress on your apprenticeship and need some support and advice to address this.
You may be struggling with aspects of your learning and need help in understanding why? Whether you already know you have a disability or an additional learning need, or you simply feel that you are struggling to keep up and don’t understand why, you can approach your course instructor or complete a short form and we will contact you to identify what support might be available.

This might include: Specific Learning Differences (SpLD):
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Mobility and Sensory Impairments Mental
Health difficulties Chronic Fatigue,
fibromyalgia etc.
If in doubt, just ask and we will do the rest.

This is a software-based assessment-tool which uses an in-depth questionnaire to give an indication of your learning style and support needs.
It only takes around 30 minutes to complete and it helps us to direct the right support to you that meets your needs. Once complete, a support plan will be drafted and this will be followed by a meeting held between you, your course tutor, your workplace supervisor and one of our Case Managers.
Together you will go through all aspects of your training and work to identify where you could best use help or support and of what kind. The support plan will then be finalised and you and your training provider will agree to those recommendations that you want put in place.
That support will then be put into place and this will be reviewed once a month to ensure it is helping you to progress and decide with you if any adjustments to the support are needed.
Please note: For apprentices, support can only be provided for help directly related to the learning on the apprenticeship.

However, there are lots of advantages too. Click here for some tips and advice.
If you do wish to disclose an additional learning need, either speak to your training provider directly or complete the attached referral form.
The results?
Get in touch now or speak to your training provider if you would like to know more.
01905 427815